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有机硅电子书 今日: 0|主题: 422|排名: 16 

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[硅业图书] 一些硅阻燃剂资料 attachment  ...2 zhongrei521 2009-3-18 155330 dongcen 2018-4-5 17:52
[硅业图书] Silicon Chemistry: From the Atom to Extended Systems agree lotuscsx 2017-11-21 71430 dfxwxx 2017-12-29 14:38
[硅业图书] 最新硅材料配方设计、生产技术、工艺流程与质量检测及标准规范实务全书 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..18 不准重名 2008-10-24 25840422 雪域孤狼 2017-12-5 20:58
[硅业图书] 一本很老的书<有机硅> attachment  ...2 gang306 2008-8-5 267311 xq666 2017-11-29 02:11
[硅业图书] Nanosilicon by Vijay Kumar; Vijay Kumar(ed.) attachment lotuscsx 2017-11-27 01246 lotuscsx 2017-11-27 09:23
[硅业图书] Properties of Silicon Carbide——Gary Lynn Harris attachment lotuscsx 2017-11-27 01310 lotuscsx 2017-11-27 08:57
[硅业图书] Chemistry and Technology of Silicones——Walter Noll attach_img lotuscsx 2017-11-20 21155 tt777_1028 2017-11-23 11:33
[硅业图书] 最新硅材料目录.pdf attachment 无名_2012 2010-9-19 41968 axd007 2017-7-22 10:55
[硅业图书] 《Hydrosilylation A Comperhensive Review on Recent Advances》2009 springer attachment ivan_pp1016 2011-11-23 71975 axd007 2017-7-22 10:50
[硅业图书] 中文的也来一本-硅烷和钛酸酯偶联剂 attachment  ...23 sil123 2010-8-4 315455 青山 2017-7-16 23:08
[硅业图书] 《硅烷偶联剂——原理、合成与应用》目录——张先亮主编 attachment agree  ...2 lotuscsx 2016-4-1 294758 家里的梧桐树 2017-7-3 10:34
[硅业图书] 有机硅高分子及其应用 attachment gankeping 2009-11-19 52023 zpsun1982 2017-6-3 08:54
[硅业图书] 【书籍】Organosilicon Chemistry--S Pawlenko - [阅读权限 35]attach_img lotuscsx 2016-12-15 022 lotuscsx 2016-12-15 09:06
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列8 attachment lijx 2009-4-7 102045 李陆 2016-11-23 06:51
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列3 attachment lijx 2009-4-7 71537 李陆 2016-11-23 06:47
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列18 attachment lijx 2009-4-7 81406 李陆 2016-11-23 06:46
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列15 attachment lijx 2009-4-7 71276 李陆 2016-11-23 06:46
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列7 attachment lijx 2009-4-7 81433 李陆 2016-11-23 06:45
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列16 attachment lijx 2009-4-7 61385 李陆 2016-11-23 06:45
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列1 attachment  ...2 lijx 2009-4-7 152744 李陆 2016-11-23 06:45
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列10 attachment lijx 2009-4-7 71387 李陆 2016-11-23 06:43
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列11 attachment lijx 2009-4-7 71365 李陆 2016-11-23 06:43
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列17 attachment lijx 2009-4-7 101428 李陆 2016-11-23 06:42
[硅业图书] 有机硅应用案例系列12 attachment lijx 2009-4-7 71533 李陆 2016-11-23 06:41
[硅业图书] 《多晶硅》杂志2010年1-3期 attachment 甘棠 2015-12-4 1521 zhangwentao092 2016-11-1 12:53
[硅业图书] 求『有机硅及其应用』吴森纪编著 aqueous 2007-10-19 31590 段川辰风 2016-10-6 17:55
[硅业图书] 分享Sol-Gel Science The physics and chemistry of sol-gel processing attachment agree  ...2 chenwdu 2012-9-7 213272 guijia 2016-9-30 14:34
[硅业图书] Handbook of Silicone Rubber Fabrication  ...2 dalanmao 2008-3-8 194766 guijia 2016-9-23 14:51
[硅业图书] 求黄文润《硅烷偶联剂及硅树脂》 ITWwelkin 2014-12-25 91453 583361632 2016-8-29 14:28
[硅业图书] 2015有机硅材料第六期 attachment xclab 2016-3-5 9625 济南有机硅 2016-7-26 10:51
[硅业图书] 有机硅书籍(一)多种 attachment agree  ...234 freeman 2010-6-23 578377 浦江 2016-7-16 09:07
[硅业图书] 【求】冯圣玉老师的书《有机硅高分子及其应用》2004年版  ...2 帕努奇 2009-1-16 183116 浦江 2016-7-13 09:12
[硅业图书] 2011有机硅材料第2期 attachment agree xclab 2016-5-6 5504 gysml 2016-5-7 18:46
[硅业图书] Silicon Reagents in Organic Synthesis : by E.W. Colvin, attachment agree lotuscsx 2015-12-17 10831 zhurock 2016-4-7 09:42
[硅业图书] 2015有机硅材料第六期 attachment xclab 2016-2-28 6540 gysml 2016-2-28 19:39
[硅业图书] Silane_Coupling_Agents---DOWCORNING Edwin.P.Plueddemann attachment NCLCT 2015-12-7 3682 gysml 2016-2-27 12:20
[硅业图书] 2012有机硅材料第5期 attachment xclab 2016-2-23 4463 gysml 2016-2-24 17:16
[硅业图书] 2012有机硅材料第4期 attachment xclab 2016-2-23 5466 huanghuoqing 2016-2-24 15:43
[硅业图书] 新型有机硅高分子材料-黄世强 attachment NCLCT 2015-12-4 4774 skyline_ideal 2016-2-22 13:27
[硅业图书] 求助电子书籍--硅烷偶联剂及硅树脂 xhpzc 2011-7-14 102237 huanghuoqing 2016-1-16 13:04
[硅业图书] Organosilicon Chemistry_ From Molecules to Materials [Volume VI] attachment 甘棠 2015-12-17 1807 gysml 2015-12-20 07:39
[硅业图书] Polysiloxane Copolymers-Anionic Polymerization.pdf attachment  ...23 TNT_YZ 2008-7-12 3910883 xclab 2015-12-19 20:17
[硅业图书] 硅油及二次加工品 attachment  ...234 haiwen0903 2008-10-1 587181 李陆 2015-12-18 09:14
[硅业图书] Comprehensive Handbook on Hydrosilylation -from LOTUSCSX attachment 甘棠 2015-12-17 1433 甘棠 2015-12-17 15:59
[硅业图书] Organic silicon compounds --- K. A. Andrianov(前苏联有机硅学术泰斗) attachment NCLCT 2015-12-7 2769 xclab 2015-12-8 19:26
[硅业图书] The Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds attachment digest  ...23456..8 ivan_pp1016 2008-7-8 11222686 yaaisha 2015-12-8 14:33
[硅业图书] 有机硅外文专著: The Chemistry of Organic Silicon compounds: attachment  ...23456..10 china 2007-8-26 15820418 yaaisha 2015-12-8 14:01
[硅业图书] 新型有机硅高分子材料 新人帖 attachment agree  ...234 lighthouse 2012-8-31 466933 李陆 2015-12-6 11:56
[硅业图书] Silicon-Based Dendrimers---review attachment ivan_pp1016 2011-6-26 51391 李陆 2015-12-6 10:27
[硅业图书] 上传《有机硅及其应用》 attachment  ...234 freeman 2008-7-5 579554 李陆 2015-12-6 08:26
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