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天晴了 发表于 2012-12-10 12:31:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  • TOBIAS OHLER 博士晋升为瓦克董事
  • 出于个人原因,瓦克董事史伟汉博士将于2012 年年底离开瓦克
  • 瓦克监事会主席彼得-亚历山大·瓦克博士对史伟汉博士多年来为公司做出的贡献表示衷心的感谢
瓦克化学股份有限公司董事兼人事总监史伟汉博士(Dr.Wilhelm Sittenthaler,57岁)将于2012年12月31日辞去在瓦克的职务并离开瓦克。

Dr. Tobias Ohler

总部设在慕尼黑市的瓦克集团今天宣布了这一消息。按照合同约定,史伟汉博士担任瓦克董事一职的任期将于2013年4月底期满,他向瓦克监事会表示他已在瓦克任职三十多年,出于个人原因,他将不再继任下一届的董事职务,并提请监事会同意他于2012年年底辞职。瓦克监事会在今天召开的会议上批准了他的这一请求。Tobias Ohler博士(41岁)将于2013年1月1日起正式加入瓦克董事会,其任期为3年。Ohler博士目前担任瓦克子公司世创电子材料股份有限公司的董事兼人事总监。
瓦克监事会主席彼得-亚历山大•瓦克博士对史伟汉博士为公司所做出的贡献表示衷心的感谢:“多年来,史伟汉博士先后在瓦克德国境内和境外的不同管理岗位上任职,他为瓦克集团的发展做出了重大的贡献。我们为他未来的发展送上最美好的祝愿!Tobias Ohler博士将成为我们新的董事会成员,他在瓦克多个重要工作岗位上的表现得到了大家的认可和好评。”瓦克博士说。
Tobias Ohler博士
Tobias Ohler博士曾在法国、德国和澳大利亚就读国民经济学和经济工程专业,并在德国奥登堡大学获得国民经济学博士学位。毕业后,他从1997年到2004年在麦肯锡公司担任企业咨询顾问。Ohler博士于2005年加入瓦克化学股份有限公司,并负责瓦克集团内控部。2008年,他接管集团直属的原料采购部。2010年2月,Ohler博士被任命为世创电子材料股份有限公司的董事及人事总监

Munich, December 6, 2012 – Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler (57), Executive Board member and Personnel Director of Wacker Chemie AG, is stepping down. He is leaving the Munich-based chemical group on December 31, 2012, WACKER announced today. Sittenthaler, whose Executive Board contract expires at the end of April 2013, had informed the Supervisory Board that, after over 30 years at the company,he would not be available for a further term due to personalreasons. onsequently, he had asked to be relieved of his duties atthe end of 2012. At its meeting today, the Supervisory Board acceded to his request. It also appointed Dr. Tobias Ohler (41) to the Executive Board, effective January 1, 2013. Ohler’s contract is for three years. Currently, Ohler is Executive Board member and Personnel
Director of WACKER’s subsidiary Siltronic.
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker, Chairman of WACKER’s Supervisory Board, thanked Sittenthaler for all his committed work. “For many years, Wilhelm Sittenthaler has played a key role in helping shape and develop the WACKER Group in various management positions held both in Germany and abroad. We wish him all the best for the future. Our newly appointed Executive Board member, Tobias Ohler, December 6, 2012 Press Release No. 62 Page 2 of 3 has already proven himself in several key positions at the company,” Wacker said.
Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler
Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler studied chemical engineering at Vienna University of Technology. After gaining his doctorate in technical sciences, he joined Wacker Chemie GmbH in 1980. He held a variety of positions and spent many years in Japan, where he was initially responsible for Regional Marketing & Sales. Later, he became head of the Chemicals division there. In 1996, he was appointed head of the Fluids, Resins and Silanes business unit at Burghausen in Germany.
Four years later, in 2000, he joined the Executive Board of Wacker Chemie GmbH. In 2003, he took over as President & CEO of Siltronic AG, a fully-owned subsidiary of Wacker Chemie AG. Since May 2008, Sittenthaler has been a member of Wacker Chemie AG’s Executive Board and Personnel Director.
Dr. Tobias Ohler
Dr. Tobias Ohler studied economics and business administration / industrial engineering in France, Germany and Australia. He obtained a PhD in economics from the University of Oldenburg, Germany. After graduating, he worked as a consultant at McKinsey from 1997 to 2004. He joined Wacker Chemie AG in 2005 as head of Corporate Controlling and, in 2008, became head of Raw Materials Procurement. In February 2010, he was appointed Executive Board member and Personnel Director of Siltronic AG.
Wacker Chemie AG
Media Relations & Information
Christof Bachmair
Tel. +49 89 6279-1830
Fax: +49 89 6279-1239


guyqingpu 发表于 2012-12-11 09:13:48 | 显示全部楼层



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